Re: Repost: Get clicks OUTSIDE the window

On Sat, Jan 18, 2003 at 07:59:00AM +0000, Diego Zuccato wrote:
> Sorry to repost, but I'm really getting mad at this :-(
> Havoc, please... I know that once you say what I'm doing wrong I'll
> realyze I've been a chicken... But it's better to be a chicken and
> proceed than just wander around and block the developement...

I don't know what it is offhand; random guesses:

 - grabbing during the button press may cause problems 
   due to the already-existing implicit grab when 
   a button is down, I'm not sure
 - try using event->button.time instead of 
 - try without the gtk_grab_add() maybe

I've never done this though so I really don't know the details.


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