Re: Font Problem


Only got one hint. I ran all the various font caching tools.
It didn't help until I "setenv GDK_USE_XFT". Now stuff runs but
crashes after a few mouse clicks with X11 errors. I still get lots
of 'can't find font <xxx> falling back to <yyy>' messages,

Anyway, VDK seems to work fine so I will try it like this and see what's up.
Otherwise, I will just use FLTK.

FWIW, I am running Redhat 7.3, WindowMaker 0.80.2, and XFree86 4.2.1.
Would love to hear any other ideas. (Kernel:2.4.18-18.7.x)
(FreeType: 2.1.4rc1, PkgConfig: 0.14.0, Pango: 1.2.1, GLib: 2.2.1
GTK+: 2.2.1, ATK: 1.2.0)

Thanks for your time.

On Monday, February 17, 2003, at 02:43  AM, Cupitt, John wrote:

Have you run "fc-cache" to build fontconfig's list of fonts? Forgetting
this step caused similar problemns for me.


James Murff wrote:
I saw a reference to this in the list archive but no answers. I have
latest everything installed and compiled. (gtk2.2.1, glib, atk,
When i try to run the programs in test (test* or even gtk-demo) i get
core dump after failing to find a font. (Nimbus was causing problem
then I installed the TrueType fonts and now it is failing on Verdana).

xlsfont shows about a hundred Verdanas though. Is case an issue? Is
there a simple fix that someone knows? Did I do something dumb? Thanks

for any help!

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