Re: change windows border color by resource file

Flavio Alberto Lopes Soares wrote:
> I'm developing an application that has a big window popup

 modal window using GTK+1.2 that will cover all screen,

 to control an industrial machine, I wanna to change the

 border color of all windows (all popups & modals) from 

your default value to black for example, I use a resource 

file to change some fonts in my application, and I wanna 

to use this .rc file to set these color too, but I can't 

find any publication about this (I read some tutorials but

 I can't find about this too).

Hi Flavio,

You need to set "bg" to set the background colour. try something like

  style "default" 
    bg[NORMAL] = { 0.6, 0.6, 0.9 }

in your .gtkrc. Download a few themes and have a look at how they do this.



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