Re: WIN32 build of a GTK2 app

On 2003.02.05 03:26 Graham Swallow wrote:

I'm trying to compile/link/run a GTK app on WIN32 (it works on Linux).
I'm using:


It links, but at run time says (in a popup dialog):

	Gtk-ERROR Incompatible build
	The code using GTK+ thinks GtkBox is of different
	size than it actually is on this build of GTK+
	On Windows ... without the -fnative-struct
	[or -mms-bitfields] switch, or ar using an unsupported
	compiler ...

So I go back to using the option and get the compile error:
cc1plus.exe: unrecognised option '-fnative-struct'

Can someone please help me out here, what g++/msys works?

MinGW 2.x (gcc 3.x) needs -mms-bitfields, MinGW 1.x (gcc 2.x)
needs -fnative-struct


Ali Harlow                              Email: ali avrc city ac uk
Research programmer                     Tel:   (020) 7040 4348
Applied Vision Research Centre          Intl: +44 20 7040 4348
City University                         Fax:   (020) 7040 5515
London                                  Intl: +44 20 7040 5515

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