Color Problem under GTK1.2

I found a color problem under GTK 1.2
it s about the color of the shadow of a label when its state is INSENSITIVE
check the following
line 1256 in gtkstyle.C
if (detail && !strcmp (detail, "label"))
      if (state_type == GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE)
        gdk_draw_line (window, style->white_gc, x1 + 1, y + 1, x2 + 1, y +

      gdk_draw_line (window, style->fg_gc[state_type], x1, y, x2, y);
this code uses white gc to draw shadow so it s always white!! 
my apps allows user to change forms color (fg bg and base ) with
and whatever he choosed the shadow of an insensitive  label is always white;
 on a dark background it becomes really annoying...
we may change white_gc by bg_gc or fg_gc in this line of code
sorry for being so lazy but i have really no free time :(
i just wanted you to know this problem ; i m using gtk 1.2 and i dunno if
the problem is still
here in gtk 2.0 ??


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