Re: Error cross compiling glib to ARM


Joyce Tan <blutot yahoo com> writes:

> Im trying to cross compile to ARM glib-2.0.4 and i get
> this error saying "cannot run test program while cross
> compiling".  Can anyone please tell what i'm doing
> wrong.  Thanks, i would really appreciate your help.
> This is how i entered configure
> ./configure --host=arm-linux --build=i686-linux
> --prefix=/usr/local/arm/armglib/output
> --libdir=/usr/local/arm/2.95.3/arm-linux/lib
> --includedir=/usr/local/arm/2.95.3/arm-linux/include/

you need to supply a config.cache file with results for your target
platform. This is not a glib-specific problem and I'd suggest you read
a bit about configure and cross-compiling before you proceed.

Salut, Sven

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