Re: GdkEvenButton - spacebar?


David Swiston <skyrat_backup23 yahoo com> writes:

> Hi guys.  I've ran into a quirk in a program of mine where I have a
> double click callback for a clist.  The double click works fine,
> however, if I tab and select an item in the list with the spacebar I
> get a seg fault.  For some reason, the spacebar is seen as some type
> of mouse click, however, when the event->type is accessed in the
> callback, the seg fault occurs.
> Here is the snippet of code where the seg fault occurs:
> if(event->type != GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS)

it would help a lot if you could tell us when this code is executed.
I assume it's in an event handler. What kind of events is this handler
connected to? Could you also show us the prototype of the event
handler so that we are able to determine the type of the the event

Salut, Sven

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