Re: depreciated classes in GTK+2

Carl B. Constantine wrote:
So I'm looking through the GTK+2 reference manual in DevHelp book (which
is a cool app I must say, reminds me of Apple's MPTA app, but more work
needs to be done to these books to get them to be the same caliber), and
I notice a number of classes that are considered "depreciated" such as
GtkCList (which I was thinking of using in my app).
What I don't notice is what should I use instead of these depreciated
classes? There's no docs on what to replace them with or examples of how
to change your code accordingly.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Most of the deprecated functions I have seen are now macro wrappers
around the preferred function. Others have an alternative noted in the
reference documentation. I've been porting with GLIB_DISABLE_DEPRECATED,
at the macros or alternative in the reference documentation.

chris wareham iosystems co uk (work)
cwareham btinternet com (home)

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