Re: focus_out_event' on GTK_COMBO(..)->entry crashes

Hi gerard,


well to answer you , we may need the content of your callback...

The callback is just an empty function..or with a messagebox() function which works fine normally.
I tried the program on Linux and got this message:
Gtk.ERROR :file gtkentry.c:like 4186(blink_cb) assertion failed (GTK_WIDGET_HAS_FOCUS(entry))

I dont' know exactly the version of that gtk+2...about half a year old.

I decided to use spinbuttons there, so I wont' get this error again.
When it's a bug (or something which is not yet implemented (at my version of gtk2), or something which is just not allowed to do -> to use 'focus_out_event' on a entry of a combo box), I may can send the source or similar.

Thanks a lot


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