Re: Override Gtk function

amitjain wrote:

>HI All !!!
>I am using Gtk1.2 and want to override some Gtk function,
>like   gtk_label_new(). So is it possible please let me know 
>without change in Gtk suite source code.
Do you want to add a new functionality for your own GTK' app ?
If so, you have to write a new function[s] or GtkObject[s]:
write and use gtk_label_new_with_colors(), for example, or
implement GtkMyOwnLabel object. You can create your own
library with this new functionality and use for your apps.

In case you want to add changes to the GTK function the only
way is to add changes to the GTK source, complile and reinstall it.
But I only can wonder why this is needed. Read file "COPYING",
coming with sources.


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