key release event

I' m creating a fullscreen popup on  which I render an opengl screen. This
popup is created upon a button press on the main application window which
is a toplevel.
I'm trying to catch keyboard strokes on the popup connetting to the
signals "key-pressed" and "key-released" and I also grab the focus to the
Key press events work fine but key release events are ignored.
I tryed to "connect_after" and/or to "return TRUE in the handler"
but it doesn't seem to correct out the problem. Where am I doing crap?

 ____                 _____
|  _ \  ___ ___  _ __| ____|
| | | |/ __/ _ \| '__|  _|
| |_| | (_| (_) | |  | |___
|____/ \___\___/|_|  |_____|

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