gtk_init seg fault with winaxe

There's an X server for Windows called Winaxe.

I tried a simple hello world program:

#include <gtk/gtk.h>
int main (int argc,char **argv) {
    GtkWidget *window;
    window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
    return 0;

Compiled it with:
gcc hello.c -o hello `gtk-config --cflags --libs`

Running this caused a seg fault with Winaxe.
Running it directly on the unix box it worked
fine. It's possible that I set my DISPLAY envt
variable incorrectly for the run with Winaxe,
but I don't think so.

Just in case you have some other users asking.

The seg fault occurred in gtk_init. I did a
bt in gdb and there were about 10 nested
function calls under gtk_init finally with the
seg fault occurring in a strncpy call. I don't
have the trace handy. If someone wants, I can
get it.

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