Re: Is there a canvas widget

On 16 May 2002, Havoc Pennington wrote:

> The issue has nothing to do with ego, it's just a question of whether
> GnomeCanvas is the right thing for GTK. At the moment it doesn't
> really have the desired design, and it's also fairly buggy, at least
> in the 2.0 version. There's no point rushing it in to GTK, it's easy
> to use in the separate library. Just add "libgnomecanvas-2.0" to your
> PKG_CHECK_MODULES line and you're in business.

Interesting. What is the design now, compared to the desired design? Just
curious. What are the design changes that need to be made?

So basically you are saying is that the reason it is not included, is
that the quality is not there, yet.


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