gtk2.0 theme engine error

I'm new to this list but have enjoyed using gtk1.2 for a year or so. I
have just installed gtk2.0  on my RH7.2 system. I first upgraded pkg-config
from V 0.7.0 to 0.8.0 and loaded the binary RPM's from the gtk web site.
The installation seemed to go fine with no errors. I was able to compile
the "hello world" program which runs ok but produces the error message
Gtk-WARNING**;Unable to locate theme engine in module_path:"raleigh",.
There is a directory /usr/lib/gtk/themes which seems to contain the right
files. I assume I have some library paths wrong somewhere. Can anyone
offer some tips? Gtk1.2 is still installed and working fine.Sorry if this
has been covered, I found nothing in the recent archives.

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