GtkCalendar help with colors


I am new to GTK+ and very rusty with 'C'. I would like to build a program using the GtkCalendar widget.
Is it possible to set the color of EACH day of the current month? The GtkCalendar struct has 3 fields
that I might be able to use (see *******):

struct _GtkCalendar
  GtkWidget widget;
  GtkStyle  *header_style;
  GtkStyle  *label_style;
  gint month;
  gint year;
  gint selected_day;
  gint day_month[6][7];
  gint day[6][7];
  gint num_marked_dates;       	*********** total number of days marked?
  gint marked_date[31]; 	*********** holds true/false for the day pointed to? 
  GtkCalendarDisplayOptions  display_flags;
  GdkColor marked_date_color[31];	*********** holds the color to set the current day pointed to?
  GdkGC *gc;		********** this probably is a factor, but not sure how...
  GdkGC *xor_gc;

  gint focus_row;
  gint focus_col;

  gint highlight_row;
  gint highlight_col;
  gpointer private_data;
  gchar grow_space [32];

If I fill the 'marked_date_color[]' with the color for each day of the month I need and set 'marked_date[]' true for all 31, how to I make the GtkCalendar use the new colors?
In the mean time, I found a used book 'Gtk+ Programming', I will read about setting colors.

Thanks for any help


Tony       Retired FireFighter  (1972-2000)
           Registered Linux User #260933

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