Re: directory traversal

Paul Davis wrote:
Jeff Abrahamson wrote:

I want to recursively traverse a directory. It seems dumb to write
this from scratch (and easy to goof on corner cases), but I haven't
found anything in glib / gtk / etc. that seems to address it. (Yeah,
this is more of a glib question than a gtk question, I guess.)

The following proglet exercises a function called read_directory(),
which traverses a directory. I often use it as a template for other
programs requiring this functionality. The section on file utility
functions in the Glib documentation may be worth a read as well.

man ftw

$ man ftw
man: no entry for ftw in the manual.
$ uname

I guess ftw must be some sort of SysV specific thing.


chris wareham iosystems co uk (work)
cwareham btinternet com (home)

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