Re: 1 expose/configure event function for ALL pixmaps or for EACH??

>Q1: So if I have 10 pixmaps lets say, then when
>    I resize window, GTK+ will call configure_event
>    function 10 times? The first argument will be
>    the address of the next pixmap for 10 calls?

the first argument to the handler of a signal emitted by a
widget-based event is the widget in which the event happened. always.

>    So to draw DIFFERENT things in a pixmap I must
>    put code in configure_event like this?
>      if (first_argument == pixmap_pointerX) {
>         drawing code for pixmapX

you can't draw from a configure event. Only from an expose event.

>Q2: It looks like expose_event won't change if
>    1 - 10,000 pixmaps but configure_event will right?

no. configure_event will be emitted for each widget, every time it
needs to be "configured" (which mostly means "sized"). expose_event
will be emitted for every widget that needs redrawing, whenever they
need redrawing.


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