Re: Horiz motion: What is faster/better than redrawing pic moved 1 pixel to left 100x?

>- use gtkcanvas
>   high level OO canvas widget will do all the work
>   for you ... it won't be the quickest thing ever
>   though, since the compositing work is
>   done on the application side (I think)

actually, this is what makes the canvas *faster*, not slower. it only
works this way in "antialias" mode (which is a silly name for what
really means "application-side drawing mode"). but in that mode, there
are no calls to the X server until the canvas drawing operations are
finished and then it just calls XDrawPixmap (or equivalent) to blast
the bits onto the screen. this is much faster than lots of calls to X
drawing primitives.

in addition, it allows you to use drawing techniques not supported by
the X protocol (such as anti-aliased lines, alpha blending etc.)


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