How to configure/compile GTK+

Hi there,

My name is Lynn. I am new to GTK+ .  I just got an assignment to evaluate
the GTK+ to decide if we are going to replace Motif/X Window with GTK+.

I down loaded GTK+ and glib and tried to configure/compile GTK+ following
the instruction on GTK+ FAQ 2.3 ( ) as follows: 
but got the following errors: GLIB 1.2.8 or better is required.

Tried to solve above problem, I down loaded glib-1.2.10.tar.gz and following
the instructions in INSTALL: 
1. gzip -cd glib-1.2.10.tar.gz | tar xvf -
2. cd glib-1.2.10
3. %.configure (config.log is generated)
4. %vi config.log and found some thing like 
   "Syntax Error configure:2233: cc -E -traditional-cpp conftest.c
>/dev/null 2>contest.out No such feature exists.  
    cfe: Error: configure, line 3629 'sys_siglist' undefined."
    I have no clue what are the errors.  Did anyone experienced this before
    I really appreciate your help!!!
   I continued to follow the instruction in INSTALL:
5. %make
6. %rm -rf /install-prefix/include/glib.h /install-prefix/include/gmodule.h
7. %make install
    I got to an infinite loop.  The many of the following  messages kept
displaying on my screen: "Waiting for garray.o.lock to be removed"

I controlled C out of the loop and %ls garray.o.lock but garray.o.lock is
not found.

Did you go through these to config/compile GTK+ ?  What are the correct
steps to install GTK+.  Please help !!!!!

Thanks a lot in advance :)


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