Help on finding size of drawing_area.


In my application, I put a drawing_area into a cell of a table

I need to find the size of the drawing_area (after it has been realised,
and shown).

Let say I called the drawing_area widget da, then I found that

   (GTK_DRAWINGAREA(da))->widget.allocation.width == 1
   (GTK_DRAWINGAREA(da))->widget.allocation.height == 1
   (GTK_DRAWINGAREA(da))->widget.x = -1
   (GTK_DRAWINGAREA(da))->widget.y = -1

This does not make sense to me.

I try to use gdk_window_get_size command, but the routing  found that
   (GTK_DRAWINGAREA(da))->widget.window is NULL.

I am stuck with how to find the size of "da"?

Advice on how to find the size of a drawingArea is appreciated. Thanks.

Eng Han

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