Re: Text-View

Alberto Manuel Brandao Simoes <albie alfarrabio di uminho pt> writes:
> 	I have a problem using the text-view widget... I want to make
> a line with background, but the area between the end of the text and
> the right margin of the text-view is not shaded...
> 	Can anybody help?

That's just how the background property works, it only colors the 
area behind the text that's tagged.

You could file a feature request to add a paragraph_background
property or something like that in GTK 2.2, that would do what you
want. File the feature request on

As a hack in the meantime you could maybe paint in the margins
yourself by doing g_signal_connect_after() on expose_event and using
functions like gtk_text_view_get_line_yrange() to decide where to


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