Re: Scrollbar flickers when clock run

Ok, it's true, my program has other modal window that has a CList too,
and your scrollbar hasn't the problem while the clock is runing,
probably this is the explanation about other problem that occurs in my
program : it has a big pixmap (with green background) that blinks in
about 400ms (usin gtk_timeout_add) swapping other pixmap with white
background, when the clock and  pixmap are runing this flicker occur
with pixmap happening an "ugly effect".

I will try something in this way.

Thanks a lot

Flavio Alberto 

Em 25 Feb 2002 19:45:23 +0100, Sven Neumann escreveu:
> Hi,
> Flávio Alberto Lopes Soares <flavio maqplas com br> writes:
> >  Hello all, I'm using GTK 1.2 and my application has a clock that run
> > always when I start the program, I make this clock using gtk_timeout_add
> > with 1 second of interval and each 1 second it changes a gtk_label to
> > show the elapsed time, and the program has too a CList with vertical
> > scrollbar, but this scrollbar is making randon flickering when the
> > numbers (gtk_label) of clock are swapped, why this occurs ? How to fix
> > this ?
> the GtkLabel you use for the clock has to recalculate its size when you
> change the text every second. Most probably this size change propagates
> to the GtkClist which has to adapt to the new size and thus redraws
> itself. Try to change your box layout so the label size doesn't affect
> the size of any other containers, especially not one that holds larger
> widgets like your GtkCList.
> Salut, Sven

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