Re: GNode and GtkCTree

Am Don, 2002-01-31 um 15.40 schrieb Randy Rueckner:
> hello there!
> i write a little application to manipulate and filter magnetic resonance
> tomographie - images using glib/gtk.
> the main part is done - gtk is really great, but now i have a little
> problem and hope someone here can help me.
> i want to build a GtkCTree which shows the local images, but that is no
> easy task.
> the images are named as follows: xxxx-yyy-zzz.ima, where xxxx, yyy, zzz
> are integers (xxxx ist the patient id, yyy the study no and zzz the image
> no in the study yyy).
> the GtkCTree should look like this:
> ---local IMA's         // the root_item
>  |-+-3331              // patient_id = 3331
>  |-+-4222
>  |---4546
>  | |-+-2               // study_no = 2 ( for patient_id = 4546)
>  | |-+-3
>  | |---6
>  | | |-23              // image_no = 23 (in study_no = 6)
>  | | |-24              // filename for this entry: 4546-6-24.ima
>  | | |-25
>  | | |-84
>  | |-+-8               // study_no = 8
>  |-+-5123              // this is the next patient_id
>  |-+-5423
> i hope you understand what i mean.
> so i read all image names into an array, split them and build an GNode
> tree. my GNode - tree is correct.
> now i tried to add my GNode_root_item into an empty GtkCTree.
> but in my application there is only an empty item shown, like this:
> -+-
> and nothing more...
> i can click on plus, but without an effect. where is the rest of my tree.
> please help me.
> thanks in advance
> randy
There are a few things that goes wrong here, but you could send me your
code and i will have a look at it. Or you change your app to work with
gtk+2.0 the Tree and list functions are now a lot easier to handle and
adding pictures or widgets is simpler than in gtk+1.2 i think in long
term it was better to choose gtk+2.0 for this task.

Andreas Scherf
ICQ: 52910964
scherfa web de

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