Re: Making a gtktreeview like gtkClist

* David Neary (dneary wanadoo fr) wrote:
> Carl B. Constantine wrote:
> > However, all the examples I've seen so far do NOT address HOW
> > to make a Tree into a List (with column Lables and the whole bit).
> > 
> > Some of the docs I've looked at in the gtk2 reference hint at it using , but
> > no real solid example that runs as-is.
> Column labels and the whole bit are handled identically for trees
> and lists. The procedure, in brief, for creating a list and
> presenting it is 

ahh, but how would I do it in Glade? In Glade 1.1.3, when I add a
GtkTreeView object to my container, it automatically puts it in a
scrolling list and only makes it 2 columns. What's more, I can't edit
the properties of it to change it. This is unlike the similar object in
glade 0.64 where glade asked me how many columns I wanted.

I've posted a note to the glade list about this but have not heard back
yet so if anyone here knows the answer I would greatly appreciate
hearing it.

 .''`.      Carl B. Constantine
: :' :     duckwing duckwing ca
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