clarification of "duplicating DLLs", I know I'm doing something wrong :(

Hi Folks,

Many thanks for the info so far.  I think I may have confused
some folks, in my attempt to explain my situation, and duplication
of DLLs.

I got the win runtime gtk+ zip file, and put the dlls into a
directory with helloworld.exe, but I can't execute it, unless
I make an exact copy of glib.dll as glib-0.dll (I believe)!
This sounds strange, so I've probably done something wrong along
the way.

I was not aware of the mingw stuff a few days ago, when I chose
to use cygwin, but since I have that running now, I'd rather not
start all over if I don't have to.  But I will if needed.

I'd like to understand what exact files are needed along with
a gtk-app such as helloworld.exe, to be able to run on anyones
machine.  I know I'm close, but confused as to the details of the
runtime DLL requirements.  Since I can't create a symlink in a
windows directory, I'd really like to fix what is causing a
runtime requirement both of a DLL with "-0", and without.

I'm willing to gather any information from development system,
which is somewhere else, and even move it over next to my
online system to ensure I can provide totally accurate information.

Again, thanks for any info, or pointers to info...  John

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