Re: Pango RPM Requires libpango* to install?

On Sat, 14 Dec 2002 12:42:30 -0500
Al Marshall <alm almarshall com> wrote:

> I'm trying to install gtk+-2.0.9 using rpm. glib built and installed 
> without problems. pango built (after setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH) but gives the 
> following error message on installation:
> # rpm -ihv pango-1.0.5-1.i386.rpm
> error: failed dependencies:
>   is needed by pango-1.0.5-1
>   is needed by pango-1.0.5-1
>   is needed by pango-1.0.5-1
>   is needed by pango-1.0.5-1
> All of the required libs are in 
> /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/pango-1.0.5/pango/.libs
> Shouldn't these libs be part of the .rpm package? How can I get them to 
> build into the package? I'm using RPM 4.0.4 on RH 7.2. GLib is version 
> 2.0.7.
> Any help would be appreciated.

Yeesh, that's funny - I just ran into this on the weekend too..
Basically, what's happening is that the libraries are building OK, but
they're just not being packaged into the RPM (Looks like you're building
an RPM from source - That's how I ran into it...)

I got past it by editing the .spec file, and rebuilding it.
[ This is from memory, so I hope it's close enough - All paths, syntax,
commands, etc are approximate... ]
1) Install the SRPM
   % rpm -i <path>/pango.src.rpm
2) Edit the .spec file
   % vi /usr/src/RPMS/SPECS/pango.spec    (Path/filename may differ)
   Look towards the bottom where the files to put in the package are
   specified.  One will list just the .so files (No extension)
   I just added another wildcard to it
   so that the *.so.0 files will be included too.
3) Write out the new .spec file, and rebuild
   % rpm -bs pango.spec
   % rpm --rebuild /usr/src/RPMS/SRPMS/pango.src.rpm  (Whatever path/file...)

Hope this helps  (Hope I remembered it right...)

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