Re: How to identify a particular checkbutton ?

>I create one GtkWindow using GTK 1.2 in C with a matrix formed by 20 rows x 32
> columns = 640 checkbuttons to user to mark to create a "picture" to send to a
> device attached by serial line,
>to make the interface I used glade,
>I attached the signal "toggled" to same function (I believe that if I put 640 
>functions for each check button I will overload my program), and I pass the st

actually, no, but it would be a rather silly design.

>ruct that keep these "bitmap" information, but I don't know how to identify ea
>ch checkbutton to change the struct to send information to device, I attempt t
>o use gtk_object_get_data but without success;

   gtk_signal_connect(GTK_CHECK_BUTTON(button), "toggled", 
                      (GtkSignalFunc) your_signal_handler,

your_handler (gpointer data)
	GtkCheckButton *button = GTK_CHECK_BUTTON(data);

the key idea here is that the final argument to gtk_signal_connect is
a pointer that is passed as the final argument to the signal handler. 


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