Widget reusing


I'm trying hard to find out if reusing of widgets is impossible
or if I do a big mistake. 

The following code will fail:

 label=gtk_label_new("button"); /* define a label */
 buttonA = gtk_button_new();
 gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(buttonA),label); /* add it to BUTTON-A */
 buttonB =gtk_button_new();
 gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(buttonB),label); /* add it to BUTTON-B */

Reuse of a label may not save to much memory, but there are other
situations like reuse of a toggle button which should be accesible from
two pages of a notebook or having the same drawingarea on two notebook
I could not find any hint in the FAQ or any other gtk tutorial,
also browsing through the list failed, may be I missed it?

Thanks for help!


DP Sebastian Tannert  / tannert physik hu-berlin de / 030/2093 7648

Humboldt Universit"at Berlin / Institut f"ur Physik / AG Photobiophysik
Invalidenstrasse 110 / D-10115 Berlin

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