Re: sos! Application quit!

I ran into this error (along with a few others) and it turned out to be
thread-related, in that we had missed a few "GDK_THREAD_ENTER/LEAVE"
operations...resulting in contention by multiple threads for access to
the xwindows resources.

Paul D>

ldx wrote:

>Dear all,
>Do you know why the following message appears and application exits?
>  Gdk-ERROR ** BadWindow(invalid window parameter)
>    Serial 12689 error_code 3  request_code 38  minor_code 0.
>My program is written by gtk. And I doubt that this is caused by reentrance of some gtk function callings. It does not always appear, sometimes it happens and my program exits immediately. 
>Any suggestion or method preciated!
>Thanks in advance & best Regards,
>?%?fj)b?	b藏-??	??+?m???)`?????????+-?棹d?+-

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