Re: MYSQL & GTK !!!! (connection, selection ...)

thank very very much, and I hope I don't asked bad questions next time, but I'm new in GTK.
Please can you explain more the different world in the compile command :
1) -lmysqlclient
2) -lnsl
3) -lz
Because I have this error :"/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmysqlclient "

PS: I add mysql.h, mysql_com.h and mysql_version.h to /usr/includ

Thanks a lot,
Good Day

> it's offtopid for this list, so be carefull or people will be flooding
> your inbox with rude comments.
> Read MySQL tutorial at
>  (big)
>   - chapter 8.4 (big)
> ill give you some of my test files.
> mysqltest.c -> replace in file all "<VARIABLES>" to real values.
> to compile, use something like:
> gcc -L$MYSQL_HOME/lib -I$MYSQL_HOME/include -o mysqltest mysqltest.c
> -lmysqlclient -lnsl -lz
> Where $MYSQL_HOME is root directory of mysql like /usr/local/mysql
> Optionally add `gtk-config --cflags --libs` to the END, otherwise it won't
> compile (at least on my slackware box)
> Just read the manual pages, it's easy.
> John.

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