GTK-Clist Problem

Hi there,

I've a problem with the GTK-CList:
 First:  How do I change the attributes of the GTK-Widget 
         which is in the Column-Title?
	I tried the following:
	GtkWidget *widget = gtk_clist_get_column_widget(clist, column);
	GdkColor *color = some otherwiese tested color;
	gtk_widget_modify_bg(widget, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, color);

Nothing happens, before and after a gtk_widget_show of the clist,
a gtk_widget_show with the column widget itself creates bad effects.

and the second:
	Is there a way to predefine the color of a column in the
	gtk-clist?  The column member in the GtkClist object unfortunally
        doenst have a color member itself...

Thanks in advance,
     Andre Kuester.

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