Re: Serious bug in gdk_draw_text() ?

On 4 Sep 2001, Owen Taylor wrote:


>  -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1
> The original pattern is completely nonsensical - it says,
> I want -adobe-helvetica- in some random character set encoding.
> XFree86-4.1 has been made to prefer iso8859-1 in such cases,
> but XFree86-3.3.6

 No, if app called gtk_set_locale (i.e. XSetLocale indirectly) XLib will pick
the font with encoding matching your locale's encoding then. Otherwise of
course XLib will assume "C" locale and will prefer font with iso8859-1
encoding. So declaring *-* as registry-encoding is a common practice for
XDefaults files and any other files that allow to select XLFDs of something
(and this allows not to write XDefaults for all locales one migh use - just a
single file does the job for all locales).

 Best regards,

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