Re: gtk_widget_shape_combine_mask ()???

first off all Thank you for your message,
In the case of using one combuined pixmap, is it possble to take connection to different application after a click on different zone of the pixmap??
is it interrsting to use the pointer position??
Thank you
Good Day

> >the high level goal that I am trying to achieve is to have a personal tool bar
> > that look more beautiful that the standard tool bar, and that is displaying w
> >ith out any window, imagine 5 successive pixmap like the weelbarrow exemple.
> >thanks for your continues help,
> OK, well then either each one has to be its own window, or as someone
> else noted, you will need to create a larger pixmap, draw each of the
> 5 into it, then use shape_combine_mask with the larger pixmap.
> --p

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