Re: howto exchange one widget with another widget

Neil Bird wrote:
> Caspar Bothmer wrote:
> > I want to show a frame/button/whatsoever in one window and on user
> > interaction I want to exchange it against another one of the same size.
>    The other (easier!) thing I thought of was simply this: put a
> small GtkNotebook where you want the widget(s) to be.  Then,
> place each of your alternate widgets into a separate page in
> this notebook - only one will be visible at any one time.
>    All you need do is set the 'tabs' visibility to 'off'
> (there's a notebook call to do that before showing it), so the
> fact that there's a notebook there is transparent (if you're
> using glade, manage the design etc. with tabs on to make it
> easier, then just turn 'em off before saving).
>    The notebook size will reflect the max. size of any of the
> widgets/pages.  You can then select the correct visible page
> number (from your code) at will.

I was stuck with using a table and tried to switch between one visible
cell and a number of invisible ones. I use the GtkNotebook for another
purpose in the same window but didn't see taking away the tabulars was
exactly what I needed on the other side.



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