gtk2 tree reoderable columns

  is setting 
gtk_tree_view_column_set_reorderable( col, true );
  for each column all that is needed for a gtk2 
tree to allow users to drag columns and reorder
them? or do I have to do something with
gtk_tree_view_set_column_drag_function() ?

>From RTFM I see what
void        gtk_tree_view_set_column_drag_function
                                            (GtkTreeView *tree_view,
                                             GtkTreeViewColumnDropFunc func,
                                             gpointer user_data,
                                             GtkDestroyNotify destroy);

... If func is set to be NULL, then tree_view reverts to the default behavior of allowing all columns to be dropped everywhere.

I have tried setting this to NULL but cant seem to get column d&d 
to work :(

any thoughts?


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