replacement for CList in GTK2

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this question, but here

In my current application (written with gtk 1.2.x) I have written a custom
widget which derives from GtkCList.  Now I am playing around with porting
it to Gtk 1.3 and noticed that the CList is depricated.  I am not sure on
how to do this custom widget now.  

Here is a brief explanation of my widget.  It is a legend control for
display of various layers of data.  It controls what data layes are to be
drawn, selected, the order the layers draw, and the presentaion of the
layer when it is drawn.  It has 4 columns.  Columns 0,1 and 2 contain
pixmaps while column 4 contains text.  The pixmap shown in column 0 and 1
is either a checked or unchecked box and act as toggle buttons.  There is
a select-row signal connected which changes the pixmap to be the checked
box if it is currently unchecked and vice versa.  I also have a button
press signal connected to catch double clicks on a row to change display
information, and I can drag a row to another row to change display order
of the layers.  If a picture helps I've taked a screen shot and put it up

Now the first thing I have noticed is that the select-row signal on the
depricated clist does not seem to get emitted anymore.  I have other
Clists showing attribute information which also do not work so I know it
is not something I have doen in the Clist.  Also I can not draw a row to a
new row anymore.

Thanks for any help.....
Steve Ramsay

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