Newbie questions - Frames

Hi, I'm new to GTK, but have run into a few problems - I'll post them one by
one to save my confusion


I'm using a GtkFixed container to house a few GtkFrames (this is a
requirement - I have to use co-ordinate placing).

When the frames overlap - they don't draw the borders I expect (using any of
the styles I've tried)

(Ascii art - set font to courier!) 

Using a couple of  frames for an example

This is what I'd expect :

Frame 2 on top
| 1       |
|   +--------+
|   | 2      |
+---|        |

 Frame 1 on top

| 1       |
|         |--+
|         |  |
+---------+  |

This is what appears when frame 2 is on top
| 1       |
|         +--+
|     2      |
+---+        |

And when frame 1 is on top
| 1       |
|         +--+
|            |
+---+        |

Is there anyway of correcting this ?

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