Re: Saving/Restoring

> 1. Is there a way of saving/restoring EVERYTHING in an application? I've created an application that has about 100 adjustable parameters through combo boxes, spin buttons and so on. So instead of writting every one of them individually to an ASCII file, is there a way to "flush" their values to any type of file, which can be later reopened?

I have no idea whether what you ask is possible, but I really like the
concept. I guess what you want is for a GtkWidget to have a flush_state()
function that returns an XML object / string / something which has a 
simple dump of the characteristics of the widget and all it's children. 
This state could then be stored in a file. It could also be loaded from 
a file and an apply_state() function called on the same GtkWidget.

Is implementing something like this possible? It sounds somehow similar
to libglade, except instead of generating GtkWidgets from an XML object
or file, we are doing the opposite. It could be an interesting way
to save preferences (but a bad one because it ties them the GUI, making
it non MVC).

|   Loban Amaan Rahman  <-- anagram of -->  Aha! An Abnormal Man!   |
|  loban earthling net, loban ugcs caltech edu,  |

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