Re: Not getting button press events when running remotely

Pascal Haakmat wrote:

[snip problem description]

> Since I'm pretty much a newbie to X and GTK, I am kind of lost at this
> point and would appreciate some help. Thanks in advance ...

Well, I solved my own problem. 

It turns out that on RedHat 7.0 (gtk 1.2.8, glade 0.5.9), I can get away
with the following procedure:

1. Create a GtkScrolledWindow.
2. Add a GtkLayout to the GtkScrolledWindow.
3. Set the proper event mask on the GtkLayout.
4. Connect a handler to the button-press signal on the GtkLayout.

... to get button press events on the GtkLayout widget (I use Glade to
perform steps 1 to 3).

On RedHat 6.2 however (gtk 1.2.8, glade 0.5.5), I need to:

1. Create a GtkScrolledWindow.
2. Add a GtkEventBox to the GtkScrolledWindow.
3. Add a GtkLayout to the GtkScrolledWindow.
4. Set the proper event mask on the GtkEventBox.
5. Connect a handler to the button-press signal on the GtkEventBox.
6. If I want motion-notify events, I also need to add:
	  gtk_widget_add_events(eventbox, GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK);
   because setting the event mask in Glade only yields motion-notify
   events when I press a mouse button.

(again, steps 1 to 4 are performed using Glade).

Can this difference be explained by the different versions of Glade on both

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