Re: get size of widget

On 2001.03.17 21:17:15 +0100 Martin Hejna wrote:
> Hi
> is here posibility for getting the size of widget (or at least of the
> whole
> window).
> In fact my problem is that I have 12 buttons (3x4 table) and I am
> changing
> labels. When is label too large buttons resize and some of them don`t fit
> into
> window. I want label gets truncated (it is called clipped I hope). And I
> don`t
> want constant size of buttons (I want buttons get larger when I resize my
> application). I was trying viewport here (with or without scrolledwindow)
> but when I start resizing my window all butons get as large, that labels
> fit
> into buttons and buttons don`t fit into window.
> So size of buttons in % of table/box/window would be also nice (or any
> other
> solution).
> Feel free to send answer to all question. Even if % are nicer solution I
> like
> learning about new things (getting size of widget for example).

During the gtk initialization of the application, each widget will get a
size allocated via a GtkAllocation. This size can be retrieved via:

GtkWidget *widget;
int width = widget->allocation->width;
int height = widget->allocation->height;


--   .-.    | Ronald Bultje                        |
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