Re: Need help debugging Gdk-ERROR

On Sun, 18 Mar 2001, Eric M. Monsler wrote:
> "J. Ali Harlow" wrote:
> > 
> (snip)
> > How many places are you calling gdk_draw_points() from in your 
> > code anyway?
> Never.  
> Well, never directly.  I'm using gtkplot from the gtkextra package.  

A package I know nothing about ... somebody on the list must, however.


> Is gdk_draw_points() the ONLY gdk call that could produce a PolyPoint
> request?  If so, I can start looking through the 5 or 6 gtk_plot...()
> calls that I make when refreshing, and try to find a gdk_draw_points()
> that is shortly after an allocation or recreation.

My reading of the X11 backend to Gdk in version 1.3.2 says that the
gdk_draw_points primitive is the only mechanism. It is, however, quite possible
that any number of gdk calls (not to mention gtk calls) actually end up using
this mechanism. gdk_draw_point() is one such, gdk_pixmap_draw_points() and
gdk_window_draw_points() are two more. I don't even begin to know the Gdk source
code well enough to be certain there aren't any more that I've missed in the
Gdk. Again, others may.

> [Brief research]
> I would guess not, as gtkextra never uses gdk_draw_points, although it
> does use gdk_draw_point.  For that matter, only in gtkcurve.c does GTK
> call gdk_draw_points().  For the most part, both use gdk_draw_point()
> instead.  I wonder if XFillPolygon() would cause a request code
> PolyPoint?

Not according to my X reference books (O'Reilly Xlib ref manual, 3rd printing).
XDrawPoint and XDrawPoints are the only possibilities. XFillPolygon() uses

> One new data point, it does not seem to happen when using the Solaris
> Xserver.  I have't done enough tests to establish "never" for a fact,
> but it is "less" prone to the problem than when using the eXodus Xserver
> on NT.  I wonder if my Xserver is non-conforming, or if the Solaris one
> is just more robust/careful/prompt in allocating.

No idea.

Ali Harlow                              Email: ali avrc city ac uk
Research programmer                     Tel:   (020) 7477 8000 X 4348
Applied Vision Research Centre          Intl: +44 20 7477 8000 X 4348
City University                         Fax:   (020) 7505 5515
London                                  Intl: +44 20 7505 5515

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