Nbr. of visible rows in a clist?


how can I tell a Clist how many rows should be visible?

A few details:
I am combining some widgets - one of which is a clist in a
scrolled window - into a vbox. The list will usually contain a few
hundred rows, and the clist widget should always have a 'window' of
about 10 lines, with a scrollbar on the right side.

When I set homogeneous=TRUE in gtk_vbox_new, then the clist is
expanded to the size of the biggest other widget within the vbox
(which is about the size I want), but then other widgets are too
big. Otherwise the clist shows only 2 rows, which is too small.

I can't find a way to set the size of the clist (or the scrolled
window) to a fixed number of displayed rows (or fixed height).

This is gtk 1.2.7

Any hints?


John R. Schrader
Softwareentwicklung fuer industrielle Anwendungen
john jrs-software com

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