drawing speed under Windows

I'm going to revive a topic I raised a year ago and see if
there's anything new to be said about it. 

The use of plural drawing routines (draw_points instead of
draw_point, etc) improves drawing speed **twenty-fold** for
Windows versions of gtk programs.  I can take advantage of this
information to improve the drawing speed for points and line
segments, but I'm in trouble when it comes to polygons and
arcs.  (I do my work on *nix, but I do want the results to run
under Windows.)

Given what I'm learning about the Windows API, the most useful
routine would be gdk_draw_polygons.  Windows draws rectangles as
polygons anyway, and they have no plural routine for drawing
arcs.  (They use routines called PolyPolygon and PolyPolyline
for drawing multiple polygons.)

I hope that the gtk designers are willing to take Windows
portability issues into consideration when making gtk/gdk design

Should I register my problem with bugzilla?  Is there some
better way to try to get this on the gdk agenda?  I'm more than
willing to write* gdk_draw_polygons and gdk_win32_draw_polygons,
but my life will be a lot easier if I can get them included
in the standard releases.


* Caveat: I'll have to find a Windows programmer to help me.

Deborah Swayne               AT&T Labs - Research 
dfs research att com         Shannon Laboratory, Room B295     
www.research.att.com/~dfs    180 Park Avenue
973 360-8423                 Florham Park, NJ 07932-0971

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