Re: gtk_signal_connect


"AndrXs" Giraldo <andres_giraldo yahoo com> writes:

>     static void on_button_clicked (GtkButton *button,
> gpointer arg)
>     static void on_drawing_area_expose_event
> (GtkDrawingArea *drawing_area, gpointer arg)
> So... why it works with the "clicked" button's signal,
> but it doesn't work with the "expose_event"
> drawing_area's signal?

because the "expose_event" signal has a different signature.
Your signal handler should look like:

static gint
on_drawing_area_expose_event (GtkDrawingArea *drawing_area,
                              GdkEventExpose *event,
                              gpointer        arg)

Salut, Sven

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