

I created a class that connect 2 signals from 2
widgtes to the same function:

class myclass
    char *string;

        string = "Hello World";

    void some_function ()
        GtkWidget *button = gtk_new_button_with_label
        GtkWidget *drawing_area = gtk_drawing_area_new


        gtk_widget_show (button);
        gtk_widget_show (drawing_area);

        gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (button),
"clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (on_button_clicked), this)

        gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (drawing_area),
"expose_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC
(on_drawing_area_expose_event), this)

    static void on_button_clicked (GtkButton *button,
gpointer arg)
        ((myclass *) arg)->test ();

    static void on_drawing_area_expose_event
(GtkDrawingArea *drawing_area, gpointer arg)
        ((myclass *) arg)->test ();

    void test ()
        cout << string << "\n";

So... why it works with the "clicked" button's signal,
but it doesn't work with the "expose_event"
drawing_area's signal?

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