Re: Window destroy = program crash?

Owen Taylor wrote:

> When set, GNU libc writes some extra information around memory blocks and
> checks it on free() so that it can detect double frees and some other forms of
> memory corruption.
> Now, this might be coincidental memory corruption elsewhere in
> your app (in which case you might want to look into ElectricFence),
> but I guess there is a 70%-80% chance that somewhere in your
> app you wrote:
>  gchar *text = gtk_entry_get_text (entry);
>  [...]
>  g_free (text);

I was freeing some float arrays, but I've taken out all my free() calls.  I still
get the same problem.  The MALLOC_CHECK_ does catch it right away.  But still,
I'm at a loss.

I'm curious if something else might be happening, but I didn't think it was
wrong.  Here's what I'm doing to "grab" values.

1.  Set up a window with a bunch of text entry boxes.
2.  Link each box to a cb_func which reads in the text string, converts it to a
float, then sets another float to the new value (grabbed from the text entry).
3.  I then use those floats to create new objects based on what the user entered
in #1 and #2 above.  IE., I pass an array of floats to another function, called
when the user clicks "ok"
4.  Clicking "ok" also deletes the parent window of all the text entries (in #1

But the only way the float is linked to the array is via the signal_connect call
and respective callback function.  This doesn't seem like it should crash my app,
does it?

It doesn't normally of course.  Only every 5 or 10 instances of the above.  But
something sure ain't right someplace.


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