Re: clist: avoiding overhead with multiple selections

Christian Kreibich <kreibich aciri org> writes:
> I have a clist widget that causes a relatively costly operation for
> displaying information to be performed whenever I select a row, via the
> select_row signal. While this works great for single selections, the
> problem is that when I select a lot of rows using shift-click,
> select_row signals are sent for all those rows, slowing down things a
> lot, although the calculation would only need to be done for the last
> row I selected.
> What's the correct way to queue/disable/lookahead/whatever signals so
> that I know when not to process them when more are coming up anyway?
> I've played with the end_selection signal, but I see that before all the
> other row_selected signals are sent. What I'd need is a mechanism that
> tells me when the last select_row signal generated by some event has
> been sent.

You could just do your work in an idle handler, that's the easiest


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