Re: about two-way pipes or threads

> Given that I have at least 3 of my own applications and can name at
> least half a dozen others that use this approach, I can safely say
> that the only thing with whatever you're doing is is probably a
> trivial error. This approach works perfectly, and any errors you are
> getting are caused by some lac of understanding.
> Why don't you send us a suitably stripped down version of the code,
> and someone (me, or someone else) can comment on it.

I have another thing. I am probably doing something terribly wrong. Can you
give me the names of these applications you wrote using this technique
(and/or HTTP-locations) so I can look in their source. Maybe that helps...


--   .-.    | Ronald Bultje                        |
--   /V\    | Running: Linux 2.4.1 and OpenBSD 2.8 |
--  // \\   | E-mail : rbultje ronald bitfreak net |
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