Re: on CVS of Feb 1, 8:20am

On 2 Feb 2001, Havoc Pennington wrote:

> Sven Neumann <sven gimp org> writes:
> > I fear this is not possible (although I'm not an expert). I wish GTK
> > would load the GDK backend as a module. I have no idea is this would
> > be doable, but it would definitely rock.
> It's possible, but not actually that useful I think. So it's not a
> high priority for us to implement. Maybe someone will send a
> patch. ;-)

I'll look into it then... multiple GDK targets are quite useful for me...
(probably a holdover from when I depended on GGI...  XGGI can run under
XGGI which can all be running on the surfaces of a 3D cube :)

I realise this example's silly - but having gtk operate within OpenGL and
-some- kind of I/O handling would be nice for those of us building 3D
immersive systems *g*  (or in other words "games" :)

And being able to switch between grk/X and gtk/FB would be nice for those
who hate programming under X (like me)...  and prolly make lives easier
for folks trying to develop linux-embedded systems.  (not -run- them but
-develop- them...)

G'day, eh? :)
	- Teunis

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