Standardizing GLib?

Hello all,

I've had this idea brewing for a few months now.  I'd like to see what
others think about it.

For more than ten years now, I've been programming in C.  After
programming in other languages, I've always thought that one of the
biggest disadvantages of C is it's miniscule standard library support.
Almost every other language nowadays supports common data structures and
algorithms as part of its standard library.  With C, everyone has their
own little non-portable interfaces and implementations for something
that should be taken for granted.  C++ for instance had the STL added to
it as part of the ANSI/ISO standarization process just a few years ago.

Well this is where GLib comes in.  GLib's whole purpose is to provide
what the Standard C Library is lacking.  I think parts of GLib should
become part of the Standard C Library.  Now that the latest round of C9X
is over, I've been thinking about forming a proposal for the next round
using GLib as a model.  If supported, it would keep C alive and kicking
for another decade.

Comments welcome.


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